I know it is a bit or rather a huge shock that 1: I'm actually blogging and 2: have managed to put in some pictures!!!All you lovely girls out there are so creative I thought I would sort of have a go!Today I went to a local market,but out of all the stalls there was only one that took my fancy,Harriet told me all about THE stall,so I had to go and have a peek,but sorry ladies I didn't take my camera!!!What did I find? Well Angel 5 was with me and she HATES shopping my beautiful Angel,who was not supposed to place here in this post but it's all gone crazy(bitten off more than I can chew I think!Not brave enough to show full view pic not yet not till after everything has gone to court then I'll show her off!!!
ANGEL 5 playing!
Back to plaster tins that I had put in but then deleted them and all my waffling!!!
Aren't they just so lovely?Not sure what Mr Angel will think of them or my agency for Health & Safety Ha ha but I love them and at £1 each love them even more!What do you think?Love em or hate em?Now for some more little treasuresFlowers galore
Aren't they pretty and only 50p,then came the Butterflies that I wasn't going to let slip through the net for 50p
Perfect I think,not so in the mind on Angel 4 who is 7 as he was totally confused about the fact that I would collect these cards from packets of tea and lose tea at that,confused.com or what! So my dears some pretty yet simple finds I think! This post may not be perfect but Claire I think it will do for today!It's a start,I'm a slow learner!!!Hope you are all having a lovely evening,tomorrow is the start of my count down to sitting in front of 12 professionals talking about my dirty washing!!!Intrigued .....all will be revealed!!!!Love & lightBeckyxx