
Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Was going to post about some lovely things but the TROLLS in blog land are back!

Good Evening ,how are you all?I was going to tell you about my lovely swapsie I received from beautifully talented and kind hearted Kazzy and my very exciting snail mail pen pal swapsie from the lovely Beki.
But sadly there are some unsavoury peeps out there who I know have done their rounds on other blogs and now they feel the need to visit me anonymously and comment on disciplining my youngest Angel!This troll (my eldest says they are called) obviously has nothing better to do and it is a very sad state for them to be in and maybe they should make their own blog seeing as they have so much advice to give. It is sad as I have made many lovely bloggy friends and have know people to go to private mode because of these trolls well,I would just like to thank them for the advice but next time have the nerve to not write anonymously.With me working in the profession I am in I come across many desperate cases and indeed could write a book,never judge a book by it's cover and indeed this is what they have done!!!!
For all you lovely bloggers out there we must unite and stand up to these trolls:)
Time for a cuppa,
night and Blessings to you all


Beki said...

Awwww hunni, ignore, ignore, ignore!
For every 'troll' there are plenty of lovely bloggers so don't let the gutless wonder get you down.
That said, I'd love some advice on how to control my tearaway 2 year old 'hehe' so if she's that full of advice send her my way.
I'd certainly have some choice words for her and they wouldn't be polite, can't stand people like that!

Love and ((hugs))

b xxx

Louise said...

Oh dear, I do hope that they have not upset you too much. I often worry about the safety of all this. I look forward to normal service and lovely things

salty pebble said...

oh my days just read this post twice cos im shocked that someone would be like that- though i have had a bitchy comment left by a 'troll' as you call them hehe...
dont let this get you down- look above them and realise your better than them- your lovely and so are your children xxxx best wishes xxxx

Unknown said...

Urghhh. Some people are so horrid. Try not to let them get to you, sweetie, anyone who gets off on other people's misery is very, very sad.


LissyLou said...

i'm so sorry to hear this x

salty pebble said...

i havent seen you on here for a while, hope your ok????
best wishes, kazzy x

stefndawniy said...

they've got nothing better to do hun xxx